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Joining Confirmation Letter.

  Joining Confirmation Letter. Date: 00/00/0000 To The Director-HR Name of Organization Subject: Joining Confirmation Letter.   Dear Sir/Madam,   I am pleased to inform you that I have officially joined [name of organization] as a [name of position] in the [name of office], under the [name of the program], effective today, 00/00/0000. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to be part of such a prestigious organization and am excited about the potential for a rewarding career with [name of organization]. I look forward to your support and guidance as I navigate the onboarding process and induction. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this joining letter at your earliest convenience.   Yours sincerely, [Your Name] View Synonyms and Definitions

Question Bank for NGO Positions-Part II


1.             SDG  Goal wK ?

2.            e¨e¯’vcbv wK? Dcv`vb wK wK ? e¨e¯’vcbvi avc/ cÖKvi wK wK I Gi ¸iæZ¡ Av‡jvPbv Ki|

3.           mycviwfkb wK? mycviwfkb bxwZgvjv wK? mycviwfkb †KŠkj wK? mycvifvBRv‡ii e¨_©Zvi Kvib? óvd mycviwfkb cÖwµqv?

4.             gwbUwis I g~j¨vqb wK? gwbUwis KZ cÖKvi I wK wK ? gwbUwis I g~j¨vq‡bi cv_©K¨ Ges mycviwfkb I gwbUwis Gi cv_©K¨ wjL| AskMÖnbg~jK gwbUwis wK? g~j¨vqb (PM&E) mvB‡Kj †d«gIqvK©|

5.            †hvMv‡hvM wK? cÖKvi‡f`,

6.           †hvMv‡hv‡Mi D‡Ïk¨ I evav mg~n wK wK ?

7.             Development cycle wK ?

8.            mykvmb wK I Gi wcjvi mg~n wK wK ?

9.            . ÿgZvqb wK ? ÿgZvq‡bi †ÿÎ mg~n wK wK ?

10.         G¨vW‡fv‡Kmx wK? Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv I ¸iæZ¡ Ges Gi  Uzjm mg~n wK wK ?

11.           wjs‡KR ‡bUIqvwK©s I Kjvev‡ik wK ? Ges †Kb `iKvi | DØy×KiY wK ?

12.          †RÛvi I †m· wK? Gi cv_©K¨ Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv I ¸iæZ¡ wK? Write the definition of Gender and Sex. Describe the differences between Gender and Sex? Please mention the essentiality of gender development with way.

13.          bvixi ÿgZvqb wK? bvixi ÿgZvq‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv wK ? What is meant by “women empowerment?” Why need for woman's empowerment?

14.           bvix Dbœqb wK ? bvix cyiæ‡li ˆelg¨ Ges bvix Dbœq‡bi evav mg~n wK wK ? bvix wbh©vZ‡bi cÖwZKvi wK? What is “women's development? Describe inequalities of gender. Barriers of woman development? Solving strategies of woman violence.

15.        Dbœqb wK? Dbœqb Kg©xi ¸Yvejx wK wK? What is development? Please mention some qualities of a development worker.

16.        †UKmB Dbœqb wK ? Lv`¨ wbivcËv wK (Food security).

17.         ev‡RU wK ? wKfv‡e ev‡RU cwiKíbv Kiv nq?

18.        wUg wK ? wUg Gi ¸iæZ¡c~b© Dcv`vb wK? Team management wK ?

19.        Ø›` wK ? `‡›`i Kvib,mgm¨v mgvavb I `›` wbim‡bi cÖwµqv, `›` wbim‡bi †KŠkj wK?

20.         mnvqZvKiY wK? What is facilitation? mnvqZvKiY Gi bxwZgvjv wK wK? What are?

Principles of facilitation? Chairman

21.          mnvq‡Ki ¸Yvejx I `ÿZv wK wK? What are the qualities/Characteristics and Skills of a facilitator?

22.         . cÖwkÿY I mnvq‡Ki cv_©K¨ wK? Describe the differences between training and facilitator?

23.         . †UªBbvi Ges †dwmwj‡UU‡ii g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wK ? Describe the differences between trainer and facilitator?

24.        . cÖwkÿY wK ? cÖwkÿ‡Yi D‡Ïk¨, Dcv`vb Ges cÖwkÿY DcKi‡Yi we‡eP¨ welq mg~n wK wK ?

25.       TNA ‡Uªwbs wbW G‡mm‡g›U wK? Gi Uzjm mg~n wK wK ?

26.       PRA/PLA wK? †Kb e¨envi Kie? Gi g~j wfwË ev Dcv`b mg~n Ges Gi Uzjm ¸wj wK wK ?

27.        MÖv_ gwbUwis wK? †MÖv_ gwbUwis Gi avcmg~n Ges †Kb cÖwZgv‡m wkïi IRb wb‡eb?

28.       HIV/AIDS wK? wKfv‡e Qovq Ges cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Dcvq|

29.       KvDwÝwjs Kv‡K e‡j? KvDwÝwjs Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv I avcmg~n|

30.       . wUKv wjLybt KwgDwbwU †jW G¨v‡cÖvP, AwaKvi wfwËK G¨v‡cÖvP, Askx`vixZ¡g~jK G¨v‡cÖvP, FGD (GdwRwW):

31.        cÖwZ‡e`b wK? †Kb `iKvi? cÖwZ‡e`b cÖ¯‘‡Zi we‡kl w`K mg~n|

32.       wi‡cvU© ˆZixi Dcv`vb mg~n wK wK ?

33.      .  BDwbqb cwil` wK ? Gi KvR, KwgwU wK ?

34.       .  BDwbq‡b wK wK Awdm Av‡Q? †Rjv I Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q wK wK miKvix Awdm Av‡Q?



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