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Showing posts from September, 2020

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Joining Confirmation Letter.

  Joining Confirmation Letter. Date: 00/00/0000 To The Director-HR Name of Organization Subject: Joining Confirmation Letter.   Dear Sir/Madam,   I am pleased to inform you that I have officially joined [name of organization] as a [name of position] in the [name of office], under the [name of the program], effective today, 00/00/0000. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to be part of such a prestigious organization and am excited about the potential for a rewarding career with [name of organization]. I look forward to your support and guidance as I navigate the onboarding process and induction. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this joining letter at your earliest convenience.   Yours sincerely, [Your Name] View Synonyms and Definitions

Case Study on WASH & Health: Improved Healthcare Service through Community Clinic

Case Study on WASH & Health:  Improved Healthcare Service through Community Clinic  In the spirit of the familiar slogan “ Sheikh Hasinar Obodan, Community Clinic Bachai Pran” (Sheikh Hasina’s contribution, community clinics save lives)”, community clinics have been delivering primary health care services in rural Bangladesh since 2000. Currently, these clinics distribute 27 medicines free of cost alongside providing family planning, immunization, nutrition, child care, pregnancy, and post-delivery care. Each clinic is designed to serve a population of approximately 6,000 people, though currently, it is serving more than the estimated population. The 35 community clinics found in Gangni Upazila under Meherpur district function for more than three lakh people. These clinics commonly cover just two rooms and are built on minor designs of land. Over time, physical faults, lack of care, and insufficient water supply and sanitation had become critical obstacles to the facilit...

Your Touch ( Poem) তোমার স্পর্শ

  তোমার স্পর্শ পেলে… আমি আমার প্রাণ ফিরে পায় নচেৎ জীবনের সোনারং হারাই।   তোমার স্পর্শ পেলে... আমার দশটি আংগুল ভুলে যায় নিবিড় শুদ্ধতা আশ্রয় খোঁজে বালিয়ারীর মগ্নতা।   প্রমত্ত ঢেউ জাগে নিথর অবয়বে নিজস্ব স্থিরতা রেখে দেই শুভ্র বুকে।   শিফন আঁচলে ঢাক নাজুক মুখ যুগল স্রোতে ভাসে দেহাতীত সুখ।।   তোমার স্পর্শ পেলে… উল্লাসে মেতে উঠে গভীর প্রণয় দশটি আংগুলে তখন রুপালী বলয়; ধীর পায়ে খুলে যায় ইন্দ্রিয়ের জানালা উহ! করে বলো তুমি –সুখের জ্বালা।   তোমার স্পর্শ পেলে… চঞ্চল আংগুলে জাগে নির্বাক বিলাপ শিহরনে ফেঁটে পরে রক্তিম গোরাপ; সমস্ত অস্তিত্বে জলে দশটি আংগুল মিছে কেন বলো তুমি প্রেম নয় এ ভুল?   তোমার স্পর্শ পেলে… খোপার শাসন ভেংগে নামে এলোকেশী হাওয়া তোমার স্পর্শ মানে আমার প্রাণ ফিরে পাওয়া।।  

COVID-19/CORONA free patient experience

  My name is Mizanur Rahman Akand, Age 43. I am a Bangladeshi citizen. I live in the district of Meherpur, The district is located southern-west part of Bangladesh near the India Border. More than 7 lac people live in the district. Most recently I rid of COVID-19 disease. I would share my experience that you guys might help from my knowledge.   On 13-14 August 2020, I feel a fever. My body temperature was not more than 100 degrees. Sometimes I feel body pain, headache, and stomach pain, feel cold, loose motion, less interest in the meal, odor, fatigue, and so on. But it was tolerable for me.  I think the problem will end soon. Very common medicines I took as usual. My supervisor advised me to test for COVID-19. On 19 August 2020, I provide my sample. After 5 days 24 August 2020 Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) declared to me that I am CORONA positive. It was shocking and unpredictable. I was afraid. My doctor advises me to follow the prescription. I have m...

Project Proposal (WASH) Part-2

  Overall the PROBLEMS can be summarized as follows: Inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hand-washing facilities at the institution; Latrines that are not adapted to the needs of the student, in particular girls; Broken, dirty, and unsafe water supply, sanitation, and hand-washing facilities; The student with poor hygiene and hand-washing practices at the institution; Zero facility of menstrual hygiene management (MHM). Under these conditions, schools become unsafe places where diseases are transmitted. One of the major problems faced by school-age children is an infection by organisms and coincidences. These and other diseases, often sanitation related, obviously contribute to absenteeism, but there is a more hidden aspect: Poor health of children affects their ability to learn and therefore influences their perspective in life. Good health at the institution is essential for now and an investment for the future. Proposed Activities S...

Project Proposal (WASH) Part-1

  Project Proposal   Name of the Project: WASH In Institution Project Proposed Time frame: April 2020 to March 2022 (24 Months) Proposed Budget: Budget estimated in BDT: 9,544,054/= is for 2-years, Apr 2020 to Mar 2022. However, detailed budget worked out for 1-year, Apr 2020 to Mar 2021 amounting BDT 4,772,027. Project Goal: Sustainable WASH facilities at Institutions including MHM access, leading to better health, better quality education.    Project Objectives: §   To develop equitable access to safe and appropriate water and sanitation solutions at Institution (School/Madrasha) §   To promote improve hygiene practice on handwashing & MHM at Institutions level §   To support the capacity of duty bearer through providing WASH relevant technical assistance to create access to WASH.   Project Background Information: LGI (a local government institution) Led WASH in Health project has amid to strengthen the overall sys...